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Maggie Carbone Shares What It's Like To Be An Infusion Guide

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The work Local Infusion is doing to bring treatment to patients in a timely manner, and why it matters.

We are often asked, "what is an Infusion Guide?" Simply put, they’re the heart and soul of our patient-centric approach, dedicated to raising the bar in every patient's journey with us.

Infusion Guides are key players in each center. They run point with patients, interacting with referring providers, overseeing the intake process, clarifying insurance coverage, and navigating financial logistics. But that’s just scratching the surface. More than just coordinators, these guides deliver compassionate and informed care throughout each patient’s journey. They prioritize comfort and support, maintaining clear communication so that every patient feels valued and well-cared-for.

Maggie Carbone, the Infusion Guide at our Concord center, lives and breathes these ideals daily. In our upcoming Q&A, Maggie shares insights into her role and its significant impact on patient care at Local Infusion.

Can you describe your journey to becoming an Infusion Guide at Local Infusion and what inspired you to take on this role?

When I came across Local Infusion, I saw a really high emphasis on patient priority, communication, and full transparency. That drew me in, especially since I was coming from a very busy hospital where there wasn’t enough time to really focus on patients. I could see that was a priority at Local Infusion.

What does a typical day look like for you as an Infusion Guide?

If we have a lot of patients coming in, the first thing we’re doing is checking to see that patients are good to go—whether that’s collecting a copay, filling out any forms, or discussing something prior to an appointment. 

Could you share an experience where you felt you made a significant difference for a patient?

We had a patient coming from a hospital. I could immediately tell he had not been given the time and dedication he deserves as a patient. It made me even more motivated. We were able to get him enrolled in the co-pay program and ended up with a zero-dollar out-of-pocket cost. He was so grateful and so impressed.

What does it take to find success in this role? What qualities or skills have been essential for you?

Compassion and fighting for every patient. Not taking no for an answer and really climbing up the hill to get these patients in the door—that’s the most important thing.

How does Local Infusion differentiate itself in terms of patient intake and overall patient experience?

A lot of our patients come from large medical facilities and are surprised by the personalized care we offer. They can enjoy private suites, bring a companion, watch Netflix, and have snacks or drinks in a calm, relaxing setting—like a stress-free spa. This experience is new for many, and they often want to return because it’s quiet, less crowded, and allows for a great connection with the care team.

For patient intake, we prioritize quick and clear communication. We let patients know we received their referral, send intake forms immediately, and keep them updated throughout the process, including when authorizations are submitted. Just 100% communication - patients really respond very well to that aspect of what we do.

What do you love most about working at Local Infusion?

Working with my teammates and the nurse practitioners, and with the team leaders. It feels like a sense of family and a community. We all work from different ends of the country and some of us haven’t even met each other, but everyone is so supportive and we can always go to each other for advice. If you need another set of eyes to look at something or go through a challenging scenario, everyone is always there to help each other out every day.

How does it reflect Local Infusion's approach to care?

Feeling like a community. Patients can feel the dynamic between the Infusion Guides and the nurse practitioners. We bounce off each other with support. It really makes the patients feel like they’re part of the community when they’re up-to-date with everything.

The insurance/financial process can be a source of stress for patients. How do you make things easier for a patient and ease that stress?

One of the biggest challenges is getting patients approved by their insurance. Sometimes it takes a little extra effort to go into the patient records and make sure that they are meeting a medical policy for medical necessity. We will find a way to do it to make sure the patient is able to be seen and receive their treatment.

What aspects of your role do you find most rewarding, and why?

Every experience I have with each patient. The interactions that we get to have with them, especially with patients coming in for multiple appointments. I feel like you grow a bond and a connection with them and you’re able to get to know their stories.

Based on your experiences, what advice would you offer someone considering the Infusion Guide role at Local Infusion?

Be open-minded and flexible and be able to adapt to different situations at different times. Every single day is different and new and exciting things are happening.


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